e3 villas is a home building company freshly created for a post-covid world with ever-increasing costs; energy, labor, materials – and persistent supply chain disruptions. Time seems to be moving faster.

At e3 we design and construct Extreme Energy Efficient villa homes, in smaller-sized communities. Homes have Main-floor-living, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3-car garages, an abundance of large & thoughtful windows on 4 sides. Function first, but not at the expense of form.

Homes will be built with Extreme Energy Efficient – (S.I.P.) Structural Insulated Panels. Standard options include Intelligent Solar Arrays, On-Demand Water Heating, 240V Garage Plugins, low or No-VOC products.

Anticipated energy savings will exceed 50% compared to conventionally built homes. ‘Healthy Home’ living can be magnitudes improved.

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